Become Determine


Becoming determine is something can be either easy or hard to do. The only way to develop your own determination is to become inspire (by literally anything). Inspiration can come from different things such as dance, art, music, and any experiences you’ve had. Whatever your goal is, don’t stress about the end result and think more about the beginning process. Here are tips on how to become determine:

1. Start out small. Make your goal by thinking realistically. Set out the times and steps of how you want to achieve you goal. Don’t try to jump onto the middle or the end instantly. You will not get the results you want.

2. It takes time. Nothing comes easily or quickly. Patience is really the key to achieve anything. Don’t rush or slow down the time you set out for yourself because by doing so may lengthen the wait.

3. Be consistent. Keep up with your schedule to stay motivated; you must try to keep up with every step. Try to avoid falling behind because it may cause you to feel less motivated to continue.

4. Actions speak louder than words. If you want to become determine, actually do something about it by taking the steps and following the plans you set out for yourself. Feeling and believing that you are determine is a much better way to motivate you to achieve your goals.

So the point is that if you set out a goal that you believe you can achieve by following through with your plans, it’s possible to reach it. After all, the ending reward will make you feel even more accomplished.

Exercising Differently

Exercising can be a difficult thing to do. Not everyone particularly enjoy it or can develop a habit of working out. It is hard because there may be not enough time, motivation, and everyone’s body is different, etc. But if you’re struggling to decide who you can be active, here are a few tips what to do.

1. Yoga

Yoga has been long known to be great for the body and mind. It can help relax the body in ways that releases stress, increases flexibility, and usage of different body muscles. The best part is that anyone from beginner to expert can learn, even together. Yoga ranges from different types such as hot to spiritual to healing and more.

2. Eating clean(er)

If you can’t work out first, then start being healthier by eating cleaner. Eating habits are challenging because we are so used to eating what we want. Not only this can help with self discipline, but improve your overall health. Recommended foods that should be cut or consume less is processed and fast food. Those are often filled with unhealthy fat, sugar, and oil. Try to eat fresh (better if also organic) produces or simply cook your own dishes. This way you can control how much you eat and know what you are putting in your body.

3. Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a type of Chinese martial art that has been practiced by many different kinds of people for a long period of time. In today’s world, it is still practice for its healthy benefits. It can help the body (and mind) meditate, condition, flexibility, and strength. Many believe that by practicing Tai Chi can help lengthen the life of people. This form of exercise is great for beginners to start out with something simple and easy to learn.

4. Become part of a group!

If you dislike being active alone, join a group/club that requires you to be active. Dance groups, outdoor cleaning programs, garden clubs, sport teams, and even participation in social events will allow you to be active with other people. You can become more encouraged and motivated to be active by being socially engaged. Just make sure to find the right one for you.


Eating Traditional is Healthy!

Asian Americans who grew up in the U.S. have been influenced over their lifetime of how to eat healthy. The American diet is shown in a food pyramid that doesn’t really represent or incorporate foods from other cultures. Many people choose to mix in both diet and switch other things. But did you know that many Asian cultures actually have a healthy diet too? Here’s an example of what many Asian foods consist of.

health asian food

So what are the main differences between the two diets?

1. One difference between Western and Eastern diet is at the bottom of the pyramid. Westerns tend to eat more grains, oats, and more. While the Eastern diet consist majorly of rice, noodles, and tofu. A great change to make in your diet is to eat 100% whole grain/wheat breads and switching from white rice to brown rice can be a healthier choice.

2. In many Asian dishes, there is usually vegetables/fruits mixed in or as side dishes. In Japan, even fruits can be seen as deserts and served to children after dinner. Western dishes don’t usually include side dishes and whenever there is some, they are usually considered a full entree plate. It’s just more common for Asians to eat vegetables and fruits on a daily basis due to the different types of cuisines and culture.

3. Some people eat meat daily, rarely, and sometimes, always. The point is that everyone eats meat differently and at a different rate. In many cultures, meat was perceived as a luxury food and only available to the middle to rich classes. But in these days, it is something that everyone can have easy access to and it has become affordable.

4. One of the biggest differences between the American diet compared to Eastern diet is that the Eastern diet consist less processed food than the American diet. It could because of culture differences since America was built upon the slogan of ‘bigger and faster things can produce, the better’. In the U.S., it is much harder to find organic or fresh produces that are not being sent of to large groceries or being very expensive. In Eastern cultures, foods are usually home cooked with organic or local produces from their markets. It could because that they do have better access to fresh produces like fruits, veggies, fishes, and more.

Trauma Information

Trauma can be defined as a physical injury or a painful experience. It can be a factor that can cause serious damage to someone’s mental and physical health. Trauma comes in different types and forms so people experience them differently. It’s important to be informed about this issue because understanding how trauma can impact people will allow us to better understand how it changes them. Here are some factors that can cause trauma:

  • Violence that is found in a home, a relationship, and outsiders such as friends, bullies, etc.
  • Physical damage/abuse to someone’s body that have a lasting after effect such as rape, a car accident, etc.
  • Death of a loved one
  • Natural disasters that can destroy people’s home and as a result, people have to be relocated

Being able to recognized if someone is traumatized by their experience will help them solve/confront their problems. Of course, it doesn’t mean everyone is able to do that so easily or quickly. It often takes time, consultation, and maybe the help of others like medications, programs, and professional help. How you will know if someone is going through their emotional state and behavior act such as:

  • Mood swings, temper, denial, and responses to daily actives/conversations
  • Anxiety
  • Having a hard time concentrating
  • Sleep disorders such as excessive nightmares and loss of sleep
  • Eating less/more than usual

It is important to treat people with trauma to ensure that they will recover through the process sooner. It may take weeks to months to years for people to overcome their traumas. But we should always try to help others cope with their traumas so they can also return to their usual life.

Here is another great source to check out for more information about trauma.

Understanding Substance Abuse Challenges

People who have gone through substance abuses are often misunderstood in many ways. Some may not understand why they do what they do or why can’t just stop. There are many different level of reasons why because everyone’s situation is different. Also, it requires other people in their lives to be understanding without being judgmental like families and friends. If you know somebody who may be going through substance abuse challenges or yourself is going through that, here are some tips that could help you out:

Identify the problem. You can only start helping yourself or someone else in need if you properly know what they’re struggling with. By helping others/yourself to acknowledge that there is a problem is not something to be ashamed or embarrassed about. Substance abuses can increase or be results of stress, anger, addiction(s), emotional distress, unhealthy treatments, or more. Problems could lead to bigger issues and early help can prevent more negative things from occurring.

Communicate with people. Talking things out well help sort out the emotions they’re facing and you understanding their situation more. With yourself, you can talk to families, friends, or seek professional consultation. Being able to have another person’s perspective on your struggles can help you understand the situation more.

Take the step to seek for help. There are so many resources out there in the U.S. to help people face/solve their issues. In today’s world, established centers will definitely help anyone out if people reach out to them. Sometimes, it’s really up to those people or yourself to help themselves. Remember that people are willing to help you or someone you know who needs help.

Here’s a link to another credible source for extra information.

Today’s Health Topic: Diarrhea

According to, diarrhea is a “loose, watery stools that occur more frequently than usual”. In the old days, diarrhea was known to be able to cause death of people due to dehydration. But nowadays, it is a common health issue that is less threatening under normal conditions. Diarrhea could result because of many reasonings such as :

  • Expired food/food poisoning that may require your body to force out impurities and waste
  • Diet that could cause a imbalance in your digestive system
  • Medications/surgery/bacteria/virus/sickness/parasites that may cause you to have diarrhea as a side effect

Here are the symptoms of diarrhea:

  • Experience of multiple of watery loose stools (little waste to water)
  • Stomach bloating/pain/cramps
  • Dehydration
  • Sweating
  • Fever usually can accompany it or/and cause it to occur more

At this point, diarrhea would eventually go away in a day. If the symptoms worsen and last to the second day such as:

  • Vomiting
  • Severe sweating
  • Blood in stool
  • Fever with high body temperature of 102 F (39 C)

Make sure to contact for emergency help because it could be serious concern. Afterwards, remember to monitor what you eat after experiencing diarrhea so that it doesn’t reoccur. If you had mild diarrhea, drink water/sports water (contain salt and sugar, which your body flushed out) and snack or have smaller meals. If you had mild to severe diarrhea, make sure to drink water little by little and stick to a bland diet that contains no dairy, alcohol, high food saturated, artificial flavors/food dye, non-processed, non-organic, and hard to digest food.



Holiday Eating

It is that time of the year again! We all will stuff ourselves on Thanksgiving and Christmas because we all love food. But there are some ways to avoid becoming stuffed turkeys ourselves. Becoming unhealthy after holidays is not the best outcome. It’s all about that balance between your eating habits and your life style choices.

So here are some things to remember when you are enjoying the holiday:

1. Eat a little bit of everything. Although there will be very great food provided, it is best to sample everything you like. Instead of eating a lot of some food, try to enjoy bits and bits from here to there. It’ll give you more chances to try varieties of delicious dishes.

2. Eat a bit now, a bit later; the point is to enjoy the foods. Along with the first tip, enjoy a dish now, enjoy another later. The food won’t run away so take your time. It’ll make you appreciate their flavors and tastes more.

3. Balance out your diet. We all have our guilty pleasure foods such as sweets or friend foods. We can enjoy those of course and no one will blame us. But it doesn’t hurt to eat some fruits and vegetables too. It does help a little to ease your cravings.

4. Drink lots of water! Try to avoid sugary and calories filled drinks because that’s where most of your calories will come from. So let’s not waste them on pop and sugary drinks, but instead yummy foods!

5. Dress comfortably. You may want to have more space to expand your tummy and relax. So dress in clothes that will allow you to stretch because the last thing we want to struggle with is fussing with our tight clothes.

All in all, enjoy your holidays and eat well! Happy holidays!

Eat & Cater Your Own Healthy Diet

There’s a saying that “you are what you eat”. Often time, people don’t realize that part of being healthy is eating healthy and it is in our human nature to want to eat yummy delicious food. Unhealthy food that are fried, loaded with fat, sodium, and have too much sugar can cause you to feel sick inside and out. That is why it isn’t ideal to eat out often or eat junk food on a daily basis because it does affect your health. Also, eating a limited range of foods doesn’t give you proper nutrients, it can contribute to obesity, and body related diseases. So it is up to you to determine how your body can become more healthy or unhealthy. It doesn’t take much, but for you to realize what you’re putting in your body.

Tip 1: Cook your own food. Even if your food isn’t organic, you can wash it multiple times and cook it properly. Also, you know what you’re eating, how much you’re consuming, and what you put in it. So you would know what’s in it compared to eating something that was prepared unseen.

Tip 2: Balance your eating habits. It’s ideal to have at least 3 proper meals a day, but eating snacks in between breakfast, lunch, and dinner can actually benefit you. It’s because you won’t feel the need to eat more when you’re less hungry and your body will crave less. You may consume more calories here and there, but remember these are snacks, not a small meal. So just be careful of what you are snacking on.

Tip 3: Have varieties in your dishes. This means that keep your diet full of different fruits, veggies, carbs, proteins, and such. If you’re stuck on a certain carb like bread or rice, make sure to mix it up and add some color. You’ll enjoy eating something more with colors and textures.

Tip 4: Cut down on eating junk food. We all have some cravings at some point, but we can always try to decrease having them slowly. If you’re eating a donut today, maybe wait another 3 or 4 days to indulge again. It’s all about that balance you want to find and keep up.

Top 5: Drink water most of the time. If not, all the time. We all know pop, juices, mochas, frappes, and those other drinks have high levels of sugar. We can have them once in a while, but the body doesn’t need all that unhealthy sugar. Water can promote better circulation of fluids in the body as well as keep you hydrated throughout the day. Remember that our body does contain 50-60% of water. That’s a lot of water require to make your body function properly.

Fitness Is Fun!

Help improve your health physically and mentally by doing fun exercises! It’s never too late to take a step towards a healthy living lifestyle. Many studies all over the world has shown that people who exercises on a daily basis tend to be healthier and happier. Why? Exercising can help reduce stress hormones in your body like adrenaline and cortisol. It also promote your body to produce more of endorphins that can help raise your happiness, activity, and decrease your overall stress level. Here are some great resources to check out!

Want to know more information? The more information you know, the better you understand how your body works!


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