Quality of calories



Once you have learned your calories consumption every day, you may begin to notice your decreased weight, but it is only the beginning step of right step.

As the picture shows, the fuel produced to your body by 2000 calories of gingerbread cookies is not as same as 2000 calories of meat, vegetable, and fruit.

Your body digests different types of nutrients differently. There  are basic bodily functions of all sorts of nutrients: building muscle, transporting nutrients, storing energy as fat for later use, fueling various muscle. Below are how a person compose a basic meal:

Protein: When you exercise, your muscles are broken down and then use protein to rebuild themselves stronger while recovering. Protein absolutely NEEDS to be a main component of every meal.  Aim for one gram per pound (two grams per KG) of lean body weight, or just do one gram per pound of body weight if you don’t want to do the math – with an upper limit of 200 grams.  Sources of protein include chicken, eggs, beef, pork, fish, nuts, legumes, quinoa, and most dairy products.

Carbohydrates: When you eat carbohydrates, they get converted to glucose (sugar) in your system, which is then used to provide energy for all sorts of body functions to take place.  Vegetables and/or fresh fruit are quality sources of carbohydrates, with grains being less so in my opinion…but we’ll get to more grains later. There are certainly bad carbohydrates (processed carbs, refined grains, and more), and those are the ones we want to avoid.  Unless you’re a marathon runner, you can function with WAY less carbs than you’re probably consuming now.

Fat:  Fat is easily the most misunderstood macro-nutrient in your diet; long story short: fat is absolutely critical to your body and should make up a BIG portion of your daily calories.  Things like avocados, almonds, olive oil, walnuts, and almond butter are great sources of healthy fat (polyunsaturatured and monounsaturated).  If you would like to take saturated fat, then full fat milk, coconut milk, and fatty cuts of meat will provide you with sources of saturated fat.



Bi-cultural Healthy Living

Benefit of dancing

Dance has physical and mental health benefits. Dancing is an exercise which helps keep fit. There are many different dancing types, such as, ballet, belly dancing, salsa, ballroom dancing, hip-hop, square-dancing and tap dancing.

Dance has physical and mental health benefits. Dancing is good exercise and a fun way to keep fit. Ballet, belly dancing, salsa, ballroom dancing, hip-hop, square-dancing and tap dancing are different dancing styles. Currently, dance has always been a part of human culture, rituals and celebrations. And it is a relaxed way to be actively and keep fit.

Here are the physical and mental benefits of dance:

1) improved condition of your heart and lungs

2) increased muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness

3) increased aerobic fitness

4) improved muscle tone and strength

5) weight management

6) stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis

7) better coordination, agility and flexibility

8) improved physical confidence

By the way, learning the general tip for dancing is important to keep healthy too. Below are some suggestions for dancing:

1) see your doctor for a check-up if you have a medical condition, are overweight, are over 40 years of age or are unfit.

2) wear layers of clothing that you can take off as your body warms up

3) do warm-up stretches or activities before you begin a dance session

4) drink plenty of water before, during and after dancing

5) make sure you rest between dance sessions

6) don’t push yourself too far or too fast, especially if you are a beginner

7) wear professionally fitted shoes appropriate to your style of dance

8) perform regular leg-strengthening exercises

9) move as fluidly and gracefully as you can

10) cool down after a dance session, including stretching




















Childhood Obesity Diet, Nutrition and Exercise

Currently, childhood obesity has became a serious problem worldwide. Many children have difficulties in maintaining healthy weight. As we all know, obesity will affect our overall health; also, it has complications with heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure and other health issues. Therefore, healthy diet and proper nutrition are important to children’s growth. Additionally, regular exercise is necessary to lose weight.


A healthy diet plays an important role for children to keep in shape and lose weight. It is essential to help children understand the importance of proper amount of food intakes every day, and identify the difference between healthy food and unhealthy food. It becomes easier for children to adopt the healthy diet once they understand the different food options. Here are some resources for diet:

1) Snacks for Healthy Kids:  This resource gives ideas on snacks that healthy kids would eat. It is good resource when you are trying to build a diet.

2) Choose My Plate:  The basic dietary guidelines for a basic diet. This program replaced the food pyramid.

3) Growing Healthy Kids: This resource offers a variety of recipes and lesson plans to help kids eat a healthier diet.

4) Age Appropriate Diet for Kids: The National Institutes of Health outlines the basic dietary guidelines for children at the different ages of their lives.

5) Child Nutrition and Health:  This resource by the USDA provides games and sites to help your teach nutrition to kids.

6) Fun ways to Teach Kids About Healthy Food Choices: Parenting Magazine offers an article about how you can make teaching about healthy food choices fun.

Proper Nutrition

Having healthy eating habits is one of the important parts of fighting against obesity. Additionally, making a good food choice is also necessary for children to keep fit everyday. Therefore, it is essential for them to understand the nutrition contents in different food groups. Parents could also lead the healthier food options because they make food purchase in the home. Below are some resources for proper nutrition:

1) Nutrition for School Aged Child:  Learn about the different nutrients kids need to eat each day as the move from child to teenager to adult. As well as look at ideas for snacks.

2) Kids World Nutrition: This website provides trivia and games to teach children about getting proper nutrition.

3)Kids in the Kitchen: Review video recipes and ideas to help kids learn to make healthy food.

4) Easy Child Care Nutrition: Learn about the recommended steps for child care centers to take to provide proper nutrition while preventing childhood obesity.


Becoming active plays an important role on fighting against obesity. Regular basis of exercise helps young people stay fit, however, the structured exercise program is needed for elderly people who want to lose weight. There are many resources to help people to work out and have fun:

1) Physical Activity Guideline for Children: Learn the basic recommendations of exercises for kids to complete.

2) Exercise Goals for Kids: This outlines the basic recommendations for exercise, as well as listing the benefits of regular exercise.

3) How Much Physical Activity Do Children Need?: The CDC outlines the basic physical activity requirements for children as well as gives suggestions on different types of activities.

4) The Benefits of Physical Activity:  Learn the basic benefits of becoming more physically active.

5) Get Active: The Let’s Move website offers tips and resources to help you and your entire family get active.


Obesity is a complex disorder involving an excessive amount of body fat. It increases the risk of health problems, for example, heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Understanding the causes of obesity and how it affects us is important to everyone.

Here are some facts which cause obesity:

1) Genetic. It is more common for children to become obese when one or both of the parents are also obese. Genetics also have effects on hormones which regulate fat.

2) Overeating. People eat even when not physically hungry . Overeating is one of the main ways to gain weight, especially when we choose the foods which are high in fat or sugar. Such as, fried food, fast food or desserts.

3) Slow metabolism. Muscle (metabolism) burns more calories than other tissues. Compared with men, women have less muscle. Then women gain weight easier than men, but losing weight is more difficult for women. As we are older, we are losing our muscle and our metabolism slows. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce calories intake as we age.

4) Physical inactivity. Sedentary people  become obese more than people who are active. According to a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), physical inactivity is strongly correlated with weight gain in both sexes.

Among Minnesota’s adults age 18 and over, 62.3% of adults were overweight, with a Body Mass Index of 25 or greater; 24.8% of adults were obese, with a Body Mass Index of 30 or greater.

Understanding the effects of obesity on our bodies is helpful to reduce or avoid obesity. Obviously,there are no quick remedies for these problems, and it may need the combination of help from others and medications as well as some professional help for the people who are severely obese. Based on CDC (Centers for Disease Control), there are strategies to address the five target areas for preventing and reducing obesity.

1) Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables.

2) Increase physical activity.

3) Increase breastfeeding initiation, duration, and exclusivity.

4) Decrease consumption of sugar drinks.

5) Decrease consumption of high-energy-dense foods, which are high in calories.

It is important to pay attention to people who are obese, because there are many health risks associated with obesity including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, some cancer and arthritis. It is important to control the weight gain and exercise to keep healthy.





New Blog Series


test3A ten-part series of articles on the health and wellbeing of the Asian American community in Minnesota. 

APA ComMNet project participants gather data from the community.

APA ComMNet project participants gather data from the community.

Based on the data collected from a two-year study conducted by Asian Media Access (AMA) and Asian Pacific American Community Network (APA ComMNet), the Bicultural Healthy Living Blog is publishing a series of articles examining the health of the eight largest Asian American communities in Minnesota – the Hmong, Asian Indian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Filipino, Laotian and Cambodian American communities. Each article will focus on one Asian ethnic community to understand the environmental, behavioral and social factors affecting the overall health and wellbeing of its members

The series of articles will be published as scheduled:

For the latest article on the health of the AAPI Minnesotan community – Visit the series’ main page here.