Anorexia & Bulimia


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Anorexia and bulimia are among some of the most common type of eating disorder. Factors are often associated with or can cause eating disorders are low-self esteem, bullying, distorted body images, food phobias, social or/and peer pressure, and more. Eating disorders are treated in combinations of doctors, therapists, consultants, and nutritionists. Also, the support of family and friends are crucial to helping someone overcome their eating disorder.

What is anorexia? It is a eating disorder where the individual does not want to eat food or not enough to keep their body weight. They often think of themselves as overweight and see themselves to not be thin enough. This can be accompanied by excessive exercising or starvation. People with anorexia are usually very underweight.

What is bulimia? It is a eating disorder where people binge eat and then either throw up the food or do extreme amount of exercises to burn the large amount of calories. People will binge eat and purge on a regular basis, which can cause serious health issues. Bulimia can cause people to develop compulsive behaviors and damage their teeth and esophagus along the way due to stomach acid. People with bulimia are usually at their body weight or overweight.

So what can you to help yourself if you are experiencing a eating disorder or someone with it?

  • Always seek out professional help who can help diagnosed the eating disorder, prescribed medications, provide consultations, and if needed, get more help from other professionals.
  • Get support from family and friends. They can help provide comfort and additional advices.
  • The road to recovery is changing your perspective towards a more positive outlook. Learn to accept yourself for who and what you are. It is not as easily done as said, but time will heal any insecurities that you may have.

The Benefits of Walking


One of the easiest and effective way to stay active is to walk. Going on daily walks or walking more often can help your body stay healthy. Oppose to not walking at all, even a little exercise can help you maintain an active lifestyle. Here are some health benefits to walking and ways you can walk more:

  • Incorporate stretches, warm ups, and different exercise activities. It can help you walk longer and better. As a bonus, it’ll help you burn more calories. It would effectively help you out even more if you can have a routine.
  • During your breaks at work or free time, instead of sitting down take a stroll. It is a good change for your mind and body as you are required to move. It can help improve your mood, blood circulation, maintain blood pressures, and more. Many jobs require people to sit 8 hours all day and it doesn’t do the body any good. Humans weren’t made to sit all day so it’s good to do little exercise there and here.
  • Walking can help maintain your weight and even help you lose weight. Although walking is not intensive, you can lose weight by walking longer. The faster you walk or run, the more calories you lose. Also, since it helps your body become more active you will decrease the chance of developing obesity, osteoporosis, and lower the risk of plausible diseases, and diabetes.
  • “Among 44,452 male health professionals, walking at least 30 minutes a day was linked to an 18% lower risk of coronary artery disease.” –
  • If you can walk there, do it! If you are going somewhere nearby, instead of taking a vechicle there it would be better for you to walk there. Although it can be boring, bring your music or whatever it is to entertain you along the way. Just make sure to pay attention to where you’re heading.
  • Wear comfortable shoes! If you know you are going to walk for a long period of time or you need special shoes to help you walk then be prepared! The chance of you walking in an uncomfortable shoes all day isn’t the best situation to be in. It can cause your feet to develop rashes, sores, and more.
  • Do it with a friend or a pet! It is more fun to walk with a partner so if you have someone to do it with, that’s even better. They can serve to motivate you to walk more often and longer.

Ways to Help Cope With Social Anxiety


Being in a social environment can be daunting and very uncomfortable to many people. It is a problem that many of us face when being put an socially awkward position. Or even the thoughts of having to socialize or being in a social place can make people anxious. Some people may have social anxiety worse than others or experience it in different ways, locations, and situations.

According to, social anxiety or social phobia is an “anxiety disorder in which a person has an excessive and unreasonable fear of social situations. Anxiety (intense nervousness) and self-consciousness arise from a fear of being closely watched, judged, and criticized by others.” Some symptoms include:

  • Experiencing intense anxiety
  • Sweating
  • Increase in heart rate
  • Avoidance of social situations
  • More at ->

Here are some ways to help people cope with social anxiety:

  • Make sure to go to your doctor or local clinic to help you if you think you are experiencing social anxiety in unusual or extreme ways. If it is heavily impacting you, it would be very helpful for you to receive help and be aware of your medical condition. Ask your doctor if there is a possibility that it could be linked to another illness or a result of medications that you may be currently on.
  • Practice your social skills with close family, friends, and relative members. The more comfortable you are with yourself, you can start to relax and worry less. They will help you slowly communicate and adjust to social situations. Try different conversation starters, questions, and follow-up responses. Put yourself in social settings so that you can become more used to social settings.
  • Try to avoid thinking about what other people think about you. Whether they may or may not be judging you, you are in charge of how you feel about yourself. Concerning yourself over how you appear to others is not worth your time. Other’s judgements does not evaluate you as an individual.
  • Understand that you are not the only one who experience or goes through this. As part of growing up and developing, expect to be placed in weird situations, expect to be given endless criticisms, expect to have unwanted judgements, and above the all. You can’t stop it or avoid it, but you can learn and grow from it. You will eventually develop your own resilience, have thicker skin, and understand that not everyone wants to be your friend or perceive you in positive ways.
  • Your mental health is very important because it determines how you perceive and respond to stressful situations. Invest in some time for yourself to reorganize your thoughts, worries, goals, and such. Do little things that help make your life easier, simpler, or healthier.

AMA Radio Talk Show (2012) – Korean


AMA Radio Talk Show – Korean

Date recorded: 2/22/2012 Wed 5:00 pm

Host: Sungho Park

Guest: InSook Jung, ChunYoung Park, KyungSoon Shin, JungHae Oh, MoonSup Kang


Sungho (SH): Introduced self, REACH program, and Asia Media Access

InSook (IS): Introduced self – She has lived in Minnesota for 36 years and been retired.

ChunYoung (CY): Introduced self – He immigrated to Minnesota in 1936.

KyungSoon (KS): Introduced self – She has lived in Minnesota for 30 years.

JungHae (JH): Introduced self – She has lived in Minnesota for 30 years. She is a restaurant owner in downtown in Minneapolis.

MoonSup (MS): Introduced self – He has lived in the U.S for 36 years and been retired.

SH: Introduced today three questions – 1. What are the three most important factors for a healthy Korean community in Minnesota? 2. What are the three most important health issues in a Korean community in Minnesota? 3. What are the three most risky behaviors against a healthy Korean community in Minnesota?

SH: What are the three most important factors for a healthy Korean community in Minnesota?

IS: Strong family relationship, healthy life style, and religious or spiritual values are the three most important factors. Strong family relationship can improve our community in many ways like low crime rate, child education, safe neighborhoods, etc. Keeping healthy life style will be helpful for our community to become healthy. Religious values are the most important one.

SH: I agree with that strong family relationship is one of the three most important factors. When one’s home is happy, all goes well.

CY: Overall atmosphere in Minnesota is very active. Because of cold weather, Caucasian is majority in the population. There are many professional jobs in Minnesota. Many Koreans in Minnesota have professional jobs. Also, high education standard is one of characteristics of Minnesota. A good educational environment is the most important factor, too.

KS: I agree with Mrs. Jung’s opinion. Strong family relationship is important. Religious belief supports for our healthy life. Korean church is supporting immigrants to be adapted to the U.S. Healthy life style will be built in a way volunteering to community and caring other neighborhoods by a religious belief.

MS: The most important thing is to understand a culture of America and social system. Since there are many difference between the cultures in Korea and America, understanding them will be very helpful for us to be adapted in the U.S. Also, solving language problem will help since it is much effective way to understand the America culture by learning the language.

SH: We can think religious belief, strong family relationship, and understanding America culture are the three most important factors for a healthy Korean community in Minnesota.

SH: Are you satisfied with the health care system in Korean community?

SH: Student insurance does not cover many common health problems like dental problems.

JH: Costs of a private health insurance are high. Some of Koreans are still working to pay their health insurance. We have a private health insurance before 65 years. We need to have a solution for this.


SH: Welcome back to our discussion. We start at the second question. What are the three most health issues in a Korean community in Minnesota?

MS: Many Koreans usually do not exercise. This life style will cause high blood pressure and cardiac disorders.

SH: I think regular exercise is very important. When I regularly exercised, I felt less fatigue.

CY: Because of cold weather in Minnesota, there are many winner sport events. However, many Koreans do not participate.

IS: There are many fitness centers in Minnesota. Our environmental conditions for exercise are good. Therefore, their will of exercise is important.

SH: The health issue that is the most important in the Korean community was health problem caused by lack of exercise.

SH: What detail efforts do you think that can improve community health?

IS: We can make an exercise group or regular meeting. Every one encourages each other. Also, if there is someone who can lead the exercise group or meeting, it will be better.

SH: I heard annually there is a Korea shorts event in Minnesota. It is a great way to encourage people to exercise.

MS: However, only few people participate in the event. Many people do not participate. This is a problem. Although we make many sports events, only few people will participate. We need more participation. I think generally Koreans do not tend to participate in public events. To encourage people to participate, we need to make our events more interesting and well-prepared.

SH: We can think health problems associated with lack of exercise. As a solution, we can organize exercise group or make regular meetings for exercise. To encourage people to participate in the events, the agency needs to make well-prepared and interesting sports events.


SH: We are back. Welcome back to our discussion. What are the three most risky behaviors against a healthy Korean community in Minnesota?

JH: Bad eating habits and lack of exercise are the most risky behaviors against a healthy Korean community in Minnesota. In my case, sometime I skip meals and overeat at late night since I am very busy on my business. I know exercise is important and I need to exercise, but it is difficult to afford my time for exercise. I think if we work together like in a group and encourage each other, it help improve our health.

KS: I think exercising together is a good idea. After exercising, I feel less fatigue. Our family try to eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables.

SH: I agree with that these two behaviors are the most risky behaviors against a healthy Korean community in Minnesota. I want to add another factor. Smoking might be one of the most risky behaviors. Surprisingly many students are smoking while few seniors and middle-aged males are smoking. It is a problem since the students will be following generation in the Korean community. What efforts do we think that can reduce the smoking population?

JH: Smoking is addiction. Their will of quitting smoking is more important than social regulations. Despite of very cold weather, many heavy smokers smoke outside since they cannot smoke inside a building.

SH: I think so. In my school, there are many programs for quitting smoking. However, very few smokers participate.

IS: Also, there are some gamble problems. I was some of cases. Some people have gambling debts and some of them are in bankruptcy.

SH: How do we prevent and solve these problems? Can you educate them?

IS: We already have the program for quitting smoking and gamble problems, but they do not participate in those programs.

MS: We really need their participation. Moreover, we need to get their interest.

IS: Currently, there is no specialist for these matters. If there are enough specialists who can make more effective program, it will be really helpful. We need them.

SH: Okay, that sounds like the biggest reason is their will. Bad eating habit, lack of exercise, smoking, and gamble problems are caused by lack of their will. Also, as the solution and prevention, we think making programs for these problems with specialists in those fields.

SH: We discussed today all questions and could see that religious belief, strong family life, and understanding America culture are the three most important factors for a healthy Korean community in Minnesota. Also, the most important health issue in the community was health problems associated with lack of exercise. As a solution, we can organize exercise group or make regular meetings for exercise. To encourage people to participate in the events, the agency needs to make well-prepared and interesting sports events. From the third question, we could know bad eating habit, lack of exercise, smoking, and gamble problems can be considered as the most risky behaviors against the healthy community. Also, as the solution and prevention, we think making programs for these problems with specialists in those fields.

SH: It was great time to discuss about our current life condition. Thank you for your participation today, again.

Guests: Thank you!

National Men’s Health Month


June is National Men’s Health Month, a public awareness campaign organized by Men’s Health Network (MHN). The MHN is a national non-profit organization committed to improving the health and wellness of men and their families with health prevention messages and tools, screening programs, educational materials, advocacy opportunities, and patient navigation. According to the Men’s Health Network, the program is celebrated across the United States each June with screenings, health fairs, and other health education outreach activities.

The purpose of National Men’s Health Month is to heighten awareness of preventable health complications and encourage early detection and treatment of diseases among men and boys. It is a great way to help promote healthy living and health awarenesses among different communities.

View the MHN’s June 2015 Calendar of Events and find what upcoming events will take place in your local area in recognition of Men’s Health Month. The site will provide more in depth information and other calendars with different events. Make sure to check it out!

Here is a quick view of the Men’s Health calendar. 
Screen Shot 2015-06-12 at 10.30.03 AM



Source: Men’s Health Month Website

Living is a State of Mind


Your perspective on life is a very important part of how you may think about the world, society, people, and more. It is up to you to decide whether you want to go through life negatively or positively. Although you can’t control everything that happens to you, you can control how you feel about them. It is all about perspective and what you are going to do that can make your life better.
  • Take the time to appreciate all the things you already have and don’t worry about what you don’t have. Whether it is your bed, your pets, your books, your family, or anything. It is the little things in life that can make you happy.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others. You are always going to be you and you can’t change that. Trying to be like others or comparing your social status (in real life, on social media, academics, sports, etc.) won’t make you feel better. Everyone goes through their own journey and challenges to find themselves. So be who you are as an individual and focus on yourself.
  • Change is inevitable and unavoidable. Some things may stay the same, but remember that many things will change. You’ll experience changes within yourself and the people surrounding you. It’s about embracing the changes and not avoiding it.
  • Surround yourself with positive people. Being with negative people are going to make you feel negative. They will do you more harm than good. It is best to leave those people behind and move on. Sometimes, you need to evaluate who are the right people for you. They are the people that can help better improve yourself and are going to support you along your way.
  • Having more responsibility means you are growing as a person. Don’t think of it as a hassle or a burden. Everyone will eventually grow up, but not everyone will be able to mature. Also, if you feel stressed out about it, then break things down step by step. See what you need to do and what you want to do.

This Month in Japan | June

Minazuki, the old name for June, means “water month.” Tsuyu, or heavy rainfall season takes place during the months of June and July and lasts about 6 weeks. Ajisai or hydrangeas are the rainy season flower, because they are considered by many to be most beautiful when wet and enshrouded in mist. The rainy season can vary in duration from year to year. Other areas of Japan may be experiencing more humid or overcast weather except Hokkaidō where it is the least affected. Travelers, locals, and visitors can still enjoy their stay in Japan in places such as onsens, mountains, and temples. 

In Japan, there are no official holidays in June. June is the start to many summer festivals and firework events, like the well-known Sanno Matsuri of Hie-jinja Shrine in Akasaka district. It is a parade in Tokyo where people dress in traditional costumes with portable shrines, drums, and horses.
But there are still many festivals during June. The Yosakoi Soran Festival is from June 10-June 14 and is held at the Odori Park (Sapporo). It is a festival that host a Yosakoi dance competition with competitive teams from all around Japan.
Another festival is the Hokkaidō Shrine Festival that is held at Maruyama Park (can vary in dates). It features festive food, temples, shrines, parades, and activities that draws out 1 million people. There are probably visitors, travelers, and locals who are attending this popular event; so, it can be quite crowded.
For a quieter and smaller scale festival, there is the Sanno Festival that occurs in Tokyo. It happens in mid June and there are less people who are involved in it due to traffic complaints in the past. But people can see the parades and visit shrines depending on their individual public time. The parade usually starts at Hie Shrine in the morning and then they continue their way throughout Tokyo.
Sanno Festival Parade Guide


Credits belong to rightful author.

Road traffic noise linked to heightened risk of midriff bulge

Recent research indicated that noise from traffic, airplanes, and trains could be responsible for expanding waistlines.

According to the research result, there was an association between road traffic noise and waist size, with a 0.21 cm increase for every additional 5 dB increase in exposure, although this was only significant among women.

At the same point, there was a link to waist:hip ratio, with a change of 0.16 for every 5 dB increase in noise exposure to road, this is specifically for men.

In addition, when people were exposed to more noise pollution at the same time, they had higher possibility to get central obesity.

However, socioeconomic factors, and lifestyle do not affect the findings, age is a critical factor. Those who are below the age of 60 are found the connection between central obesity and road traffic noise.

TIPS for preventing from traffic noise:

Barrier Wall: Construct a barrier wall between your home and the source of the traffic noise.

Buildings: consider putting up buildings to block the traffic noise place a garage, a storage shed.

Water feature: water features do not reduce traffic noise, but they provide a more pleasant background sound, helping to mask it.

Hedges: hedges are not dense enough to combat loud road noise on their own.

SOURCE for help: Road Noise Impact Control


Japan’s Onsen


“Onsen” means “hot springs” in the Japanese language. Japan has literally thousands of geothermal onsen scattered throughout the country, due to its volcanic activity, as well as “sento” or indoor public bathhouses with heated water. Onsen is really popular among tourists and in Japanese culture. Here are some facts and benefits about the onsen culture in Japan:

  • Before entering into the hot springs, people are required to shower first. In this way, you can clean your body and allow your body temperature to adjust to the heat of the hot springs. Also, onsens are for people to soak in the water and not for people to clean themselves in.
  • Onsens are enjoyed by being fully nude. Outsiders might find this quite odd, but you are allowed to bring a small cloth with you. And men and women are separated so it should more comfortable.
  • Did you know that people with tattoos aren’t allowed to show it or have to pay extra fees to be able to use onsens? Tattoos in Japan have been long outdated and ban in many areas because they can associate it with being part of the yakuza.
  • Some of the benefits of using hot springs for health is to help control blood temperature, massage body muscle, relieve painful joints, and much more. Here is a quick link about onsen’s effect on the body.
  • Best of all, it helps people to physically and mentally relax. Often times, onsen may have services such common rooms, foods, traditional clothing, and other traditional aspects that customers can enjoy to fully experience the onsen culture.

References belong to rightful owner.