World Stroke Day

On Oct 29, 2016, it is recognize as World Stroke Day to bring awareness and provide information on what people can do.


“Responding quickly can be the difference between recovery and disability, or even death. Luckily, stroke is largely treatable when you know the signs and act fast. A few seconds could save a life, possibly your own.” –

What are the signs of stroke?

  • Numbness in the face and arms
  • lack of coordination
  • trouble speaking or understanding


Call 911 right away if notice the signs of someone having stroke.

National Health Education Week (Oct 17-21)


“Sponsored by the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE), National Health Education Week (NHEW) is celebrated during the third full week of October. This celebration brings national attention to public health issues and promotes consumers’ understanding of the role of health education and health promotion in society.

Celebrate this week with us as we focus on partnerships to build community health. ” –

What is the goal of National Health Education Week?

  • Spread awareness and knowledge of health care cost, healthy behaviors, and health programs to communities and schools.
  • To highlight the accomplishments and efforts of organizations towards public health.
  • To share health advises between professionals, the government, and between the people.
  • To continue to improve health education and other health conditions.

Click here for more info on day to day participation!

Walk to School Day – Oct 5!!!


Oct 5, the first Wednesday of this month, celebrates the “Walk to School Day“! The event is to promote children to walk to school to bring awareness to living a active and healthy life.

Why participate? 

  • It’s a great way to be a part of a global event and to promote health, to identify safer routes for walking in my community, and to improve air quality by parking my car.
  • To create a healthy lifestyle. Physically active kids are more likely to become healthy, physically active adults, which means that the behavior of regular physical activity early needs to be fostered at an early age.
  • To connect with my community. A walk to school improves neighborhood connections and boosts a sense of community.
  • To reduce transportation cost and pollution from transportation. Walking or biking is a great alternative to this.

A Litte About the History

“Organized by the Partnership for a Walkable America, Walk to School Day in the USA began in 1997 as a one-day event aimed at building awareness for the need for walkable communities. The event became international in 2000 when the USA, UK and CA all celebrated together on the first Wednesday of October. Currently, the international celebration includes 40 countries.” –

Click here for more info!

Walk to School Day, Oct 7th!

“International Walk to School Day is a global event that involves communities from more than 40 countries walking and biking to school on the same day. It began in 1997 as a one-day event. Over time, this event has become part of a movement for year-round safe routes to school and a celebration – with record breaking participation – each October. Today, thousands of schools across America – from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico – participate every October.” –


This event occurs each year and serves to remind everyone to live a healthier life. Walking can be exercise too if you do it enough! “Walking briskly for 2 hours and 30 minutes each week— easily broken up into 5, 30-minute walks—helps you meet the Physical Activity Guidelines and gain health benefits.” ( If you don’t enjoy running or intense exercise, this is another option. Encourage your community to start walking more often by:

  • Walking with friends and family! It is a great way to spend time and exercise together.
  • Walking outside allows you to be part of the community because you are interacting with environment and people around you. The more people that are outside, the more it will encourage other people to come out.
  • Try to walk to your destinations as often as possible. If it’s close enough, take your time to walk there. Not only will it help you exercise, but help you save transportation money.