A Cup of Tea


Grab a cup of tea now because its health benefits can only do you good. Many places in the world like in Asia, Europe, and more drinks tea on a daily basis. It’s popularity has continued to rise with more research showing that tea can help your body be healthier. Tea originated in China and has come such a long way from ancient times to now that there  are about 1,500 kinds of tea. There are so many that you are guarantee to find flavors suited to your taste.

So what are some benefits by drinking tea?

  • Fight against different types of cancer
  • Protect organs
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Be a weight losing supplement
  • Hydrate the body
  • Fight against cardiovascular diseases
  • Body degradation – skins, bones

Some recommended tea to try is:

  • Green tea
  • Black tea
  • Oolong Tea
  • White Tea
  • Jasmine Tea

Tea on its own is a either dried leaves or a blend of herbs/flowers/spices. There is a wide range of flavors and taste from bland to citrus to bitter. You can always make add other ingredients into your tea that will help you drink it.