October 6: Join Us on Twitter for a Chat on Breast Cancer Awareness‏

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Join the conversation on Twitter this Tuesday October 6th at 1 PM (ET). We’ll be discussing prevention, warning signs and more. The chat will be in English and Spanish.

Join @USAgov on October 6 for a chat on Breast Cancer Awareness

Follow the hashtag #SaludTues to submit questions in advance or join the conversation on Tuesday. You can also follow these Twitter accounts for more information: @USAgov@GobiernoUSA, @FDAWomen @FDAenEspanol and @SaludToday.

Credits belong to rightful owners.

What Causes Cancer? A shocking truth..

What Causes Cancer? A shocking truth..

written by Beatrice

I was shocked the first time I heard how and WHY cancer happened. I was also surprised that the medical doctors I have met throughout this journey never explained to me WHY cancer happens at the first place, because we need to know the WHY to get to the prevention/improvement.

This 8 minute video by Shafin de Zane explains well the cancer happens at the first place because our cells are trying to protect itself by mutating, otherwise it would die because it is swimming in a sea of toxins. And also, it shares how cancer can be prevented quite easily. Please do watch this and share with others!