Team Building Ideas

Week7Blog2Get to know your peers, co-workers, and people around you better by doing activities and sharing experiences together! Most of time, it involves unhealthy food and alcohol for people to relax and come together, but there are other healthier options that can still provide the same entertainment. Here are some ideas that can help break the ice and have everyone’s active participation:

  1. Volunteer together as a group! The best part about this option is that there are so many different kinds of volunteer opportunities that are available and locally nearby. Have everyone make a vote of which cause you all want to support and do it together to build relationships and contribute to the community.
    1. Walk or run a marathon!
    2. Build a community garden!
  2. Host a potluck! Encourage people to bring healthy snacks and dishes! It will allow people to be creative and try to create healthy foods to bring. And the best part is that it is a sharing event!
    1. Vegan Dishes
    2. Organic Foods
    3. Gluten Free Dishes
  3. Plan a field trip/event! Being able to share experiences together is a great way to bond with other people. It will allow everyone to learn a bit more about each other in a informal setting.
    1. Camping
    2. Fitness class
  4. Organize a club! If many people share similar interests such as sports, books, or foods then have a club dedicated to organizing group events for those topics.
    1. Book club
    2. Sports league team
    3. Cooking club