Playing vs. Exercising


Sometimes we are active in playing and it can even result in a smaller version of the body exercising. But playing and exercising are two different activities. Playing is for the enjoyment of the moment, being entertained and can even be social. Exercise is rigorously being active and burning body energy/fat. So if you want to be active instead of ‘playing’, allow your body to feel the burn.

How do you know when you actively exercising? It is quite easy to tell from these common signs that your body gives off in response:

  • Sweating frequently
  • Heart rate increases and remain at a high rate for the moment of working out
  • Muscles are used more than usual
  • Feel thirsty and the intake of water increase

You don’t have work out like theĀ traditional ways if you like being entertained at the same time. Sometimes, people say that exercising is boring and yes, it can be so boring just doing the same thing over again. But finding ways to preoccupied your mind can help you get started. Like for example:

  • Listen to music that pumps you up
  • Mix exercise routines from jogging to yoga to dance, etc.
  • Take advantage of technology and watch your favorite shows while jogging, step climbing, etc.
  • Best thing to make it easier: Work out with a partner or a friend!

So remember to play frequently and exercise daily. Both are good for the body and the brain. Being active and sociable is always a plus!