This Month in Japan | June

Minazuki, the old name for June, means “water month.” Tsuyu, or heavy rainfall season takes place during the months of June and July and lasts about 6 weeks. Ajisai or hydrangeas are the rainy season flower, because they are considered by many to be most beautiful when wet and enshrouded in mist. The rainy season can vary in duration from year to year. Other areas of Japan may be experiencing more humid or overcast weather except Hokkaidō where it is the least affected. Travelers, locals, and visitors can still enjoy their stay in Japan in places such as onsens, mountains, and temples. 

In Japan, there are no official holidays in June. June is the start to many summer festivals and firework events, like the well-known Sanno Matsuri of Hie-jinja Shrine in Akasaka district. It is a parade in Tokyo where people dress in traditional costumes with portable shrines, drums, and horses.
But there are still many festivals during June. The Yosakoi Soran Festival is from June 10-June 14 and is held at the Odori Park (Sapporo). It is a festival that host a Yosakoi dance competition with competitive teams from all around Japan.
Another festival is the Hokkaidō Shrine Festival that is held at Maruyama Park (can vary in dates). It features festive food, temples, shrines, parades, and activities that draws out 1 million people. There are probably visitors, travelers, and locals who are attending this popular event; so, it can be quite crowded.
For a quieter and smaller scale festival, there is the Sanno Festival that occurs in Tokyo. It happens in mid June and there are less people who are involved in it due to traffic complaints in the past. But people can see the parades and visit shrines depending on their individual public time. The parade usually starts at Hie Shrine in the morning and then they continue their way throughout Tokyo.
Sanno Festival Parade Guide


Credits belong to rightful author.