In celebration of Martin Luther King day, let’s highlight some of the accomplishments from the African American community and other fun facts!
- OnĀ November 2, 1983, the bill for Martin Luther King day was signed by President Ronald Reagan.
- Michael Curry became theĀ the first Black leader of Episcopal church in June of 2015.
- “The poverty rate among blacks is the highest of any racial or ethnic group, but has declined slightly over time, from 31.3% in 1976 to 27.2% in 2014, according to census data.” Ā –Ā
- Here are some ways to reflect on this day:
- Think about yourself in place of other people who are different from you.
- Become part of or be a supporter of a positive change! Whether it is in politics, activism, or a cause thatĀ you believe in.
- Open your eyes and ears! Start to take notice of the injustice around the world and think about what you can do to serve others.
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