Introduction to Japanese Lifestyle


Have you ever wonder how other kinds of peopleĀ live their life on a daily basis? It is a great way to explore and learn a bit more of what life is like from different perspectives. Today’s focus will be on the Japanese lifestyle.

  • Bowing is a prevalant custom in many Asian cultures that shows respect towards others. It is ingrain in people to do so for strangers, elderly, friends, families, and respected people.
  • Slurping while eating noodle dishes is a good sign and it is not considered rude like in other cultures. It shows that you are enjoying your meal.
  • Eating alone at home or at restaurants in Japan is very normal. Although some other people may see as odd, Japanese people see it as having alone time with yourself.
  • There are many Japanese holidays, but some of the most famous ones are Valentine’s Day, Children’s Day, Coming of Age, and Christmas. The Japanese culture has incorporated many influences into their cultures from other Asian and Western cultures.
  • Ever wonder why so much people in Japan wear masks while doing daily tasks? Due toĀ health concerns such as allergy, people wear them to prevent them from getting sick.
  • Karaoke is a fun way to let people’s wall down, have food and drinks, and sing without trying to be a pro. The karaoke entertainment is widely available in many Asian countries because of it’s popularity. It is not uncommon that group of co-workers or friends go out together to karaoke together.
  • In Japan, it is very important to properly address someone based on their position as it is another custom of respect. It can also tell how superior or elderly someone is and how close they are to each other. This type of custom also exsist in other cultures.

These are just a few glimpse into the Japanese lifestyle. There are more customs, traditions, and holidays that the Japanese culture has. The more interested you are about another culture, the more you will learn from them.

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