Compared to American overall teen pregnancy rates, Asian girls have much higher teen pregnancy rate. Here are facts which may contribute to higher teen pregnancy rate among Asian girls in Minnesota.
Here are some facts which may contribute to higher teen pregnancy among sian girls in Minnesota:
According to the report from CDC, Minnesota teens have a higher rate of LARC use than the national average. Also, the access to go to health care provider, and the use of effective birth control methods, including IUDs, and the implants, these may affect the teen pregnancy rate among Asian girls in Minnesota. All adolescents, but especially youth of color, need comprehensive and culturally competent sexual and reproductive health care. However, those of color teens face serious barrier related to sexual and reproductive health care.
Low-income and insecure family situations increased the rate of teen pregnancy among Asian girls.
In addition, weight perception, mispeception, and dating violence victimization are critical contributors to teen pregnancy rate.
Some teens don’t use condoms because they are afraid of being found by their parents. And social discrimination will significantly increase teen pregnancy rate. AAPI population has a lower social status and faces serious discrimination at their lives.
Finally, substance abuse is related to teen pregnancy. There is a higher percentage of substance abuse among AAPI population, it also increases the teen pregnancy rate.