Study Abroad Opportunities! | For High School & College


Study abroad is a great opportunity for students to learn while living in a different society and experiencing a whole new culture. It allows students to gain important knowledge and become more confident through the struggles of adjusting to a different environment and lifestyle. Of course it is expensive and requires you to work harder, but in the end it will be worth it! It is not impossible to study abroad if you know how to use your resources and is able to utilize your skills! Here are some tips on how to afford study abroad:

  1. Choose where you want to study abroad! (The earlier you can decide, the better!) You can study abroad almost anywhere in the world with different programs. It is usually divided into academic and employment programs. As a high school student, your options are more limited but remember to research about your options. As a college student, you will have lots of option to where you can study abroad.
    • Note that some locations are more expensive than others.
  2. It’s important to plan early! You want to measure out the length of your program and the time before you are going there. It will give you a timeline of how much you can save up for your total trip and how much you pay spend over there. So get ready to work & save like a pro!
    • Always transfer the amount you need to save when you are paid!
    • Exclude miscellaneous spending if possible; like on small things such as buying a cup of coffee, limiting the amount of money you spend when you go out, etc.
  3. Work on your essay writing skills! If you want scholarships, most of them will require you to write some sort of essay whether it is a personal, academic, or question essay. The point is to answer the prompt while letting them know you more personally and your goals for study abroad. Never forget to check the basics:
    • Is there a word count limit or required minimum of words?
    • Have you check your grammar?
    • Do you understand the words you are using? It’s better to use words that you know than to use big words that you don’t understand.
    • Did you answer the question(s)?
    • Ask someone else to proofread your essay if you are unsure
  4. Does it require references/recommendation letters? You may need references or recommend letters from teachers/co-workers depending on the type of program/scholarship you are applying for. So make sure you double check the deadline and try to obtain them ahead of time.
  5. Research for local & national scholarships! There are tons of scholarships available out there, but they won’t come to you unless you find them and apply for it! Some will require more or less work depending on the amount of aid it offers. Expect that there will be competition for scholarships since you are not the only student who wants to study abroad. Try to apply to as many scholarships that you qualify for. Overall, it is better to apply than not apply at all!
    • Check scholarships that are offered through your school, state, and within the U.S.
    • Use online scholarship database to  help you find scholarships!
  6. Look out for your deadlines! This applies to your scholarships and program dates. It is important to turn in things on time, especially if you want to secure your place! If you are unable to meet deadlines, than you would lessen your chance of obtaining a place in a study abroad program or possibly getting a scholarship.
  7. Here are some linked web & resources you can use:
    • The two most well known study abroad company are, CIEE & IES; they offer a variety of study abroad programs for high school and college students. It is not limited to these two as there are other options as well and it depends on what you are looking for (internship, volunteer, & employment). Others include AIFSCEA, & more!
    • Go to “goabroad” to search their database on study abroad for high school & college!
    • You can always try to find reviews on the program that you’re interested in to help determine which program may work with you.